Kamis, 28 Mei 2009

Levi's Indonesia

Client: Levi's Indonesia.
Title: Prize attack!
Art Director: Sume

Tactical promo ad

Client: Levi's Indonesia.
Title: Dare
to move freely?
Art Director: Sume

In-store activity to promote one of Levi's product
Levi's Enginereed Jeans.
Which the campaign that Levi's communicated along that year
was Free to Move

Client: Levi's Indonesia. Title: Sholat Ied.
Copy: Together we welcome the day of victory.
Happy Idul Fitri 1427H.
Art Director: Sume

(Take a good look at the threads on the bottom half)

Client: Levi's Indonesia.
Viral Interactive to promote Levi's Dance Workshop
Title : Home
Art Director: Sume

Client: Levi's Indonesia.
Viral Interactive to promote Levi's Dance Workshop
Title : Office
Art Director: Sume

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